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  • What is MISA?
    MISA (The Maryland Investigators & Security Association) is an association of investigative and security agencies throughout Maryland. MISA represents its member's interests to the Maryland State Police and the Maryland Police and Corrections Training Commission through a professional working relationship. It also allows other memberships to security officers and private detectives, as well as supportive businesses.
  • Who runs MISA?
    MISA is not a state or government agency. MISA is run by the board of directors that answers directly to its members.
  • How do I find a security guard company or private detective agency through MISA?
    Well, that's easy! Click on "Search Members" at the top menu which will allow you to search our membership directory by the type of service you need and the geographic location!
  • Does MISA accredit or screen it's members?
    MISA does not provide agency accreditation. However, all members who are agencies are required to be licensed by the Maryland State Police Licensing Division.
  • Is MISA a security company or private detective agency?
    No. MISA is a professional organization of security agencies and private detective agencies and their affiliates throughout the State of Maryland. MISA does not provide security guards or private detective services itself.
  • I want to become a member (agency, individual or sponsorship), how do I go about it and what do I get for membership?
    Very easy! Just go to the menu and click on "JOIN MISA". We look forward to having you as a new member! Depending on the type of member you are and the level of membership you will get various benefits that are listed on the JOIN MISA page.
  • Can I become a member if I am not an agency?
    Yes! Security officers, special police officers, and private investigators can join MISA as associate members! Associate members have all the access that regular members do; however, they cannot vote.
  • Can MISA help me start my security/PI company?
    MISA members can share advice on how to apply for your license and help you through the process. Valuable advice on application, insurance requirements, personnel management, business management, etc can be obtained from the member's chat and forum areas. But, MISA itself does not assist in obtaining a license for you.
  • Does MISA operate in any other states?
    No. MISA stands for the Maryland Investigation and Security Association; therefore, it only operates in Maryland. However, some associations operate nationwide, such as ASIS and NASCO. MISA is involved in Maryland state-level advocacy and representation for it's members in the Maryland legislative and to the Maryland State Police Licensing Division and the Maryland Police and Corrections Training Commission.
  • Can anyone be a member of MISA?
    There are two types of memberships: full members and associate members. Full members are licensed security guards and/or private detective agencies or professional in-house security agencies. Associate members are individual security officers, private investigators, and special police officers. Assoicate members can also be sponsors.
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(C) 2023 Maryland Investigation and Security Association, LLC.

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